• 628

    My biggest fear is that I may diewhile I am still aliveI become so afraid of lifethat all I become stagnanthave my hearing fadeleaving only an insignificant hummingfeel fear creep down my armssquatting in my fingertipsforbidding me to connectto worry so much aboutthe little things thatI am no longer ableto see the bigger pictureto have ...
  • 1555

    Content Warning- Domestic Violence It took me 10 years to fully get over you. Every blood-curdling scream from my throat over 3 years was a testament to the manipulation that you had subdued me to. It was 3 years of walking on eggshells and uneasiness and a semi-permanent lump in my throat and knot in ...
  • 1117

    We can’t control how COVID-19 will act, but we can control how we react.  Our behavior during the coronavirus crisis matters.  How we deal with each other and our social circles is just as important as how we deal with the virus. Behavior matters. There is a story out there in cyberland about how one ...