• Young girl. Childhood, springtime

    There was a little girl. She had long curly brown hair and big glasses. She was small and tripped over her hair as she entered the large crystal door of the ballroom. I snickered at her and received a menacing glare from my grandfather. “She will be your queen one day, Ariadne. Show some respect.” ...
  • 1329

    “Lucy, what if she wants to kiss me?” Dai asked me, nervously wringing his sun-kissed hands, and dancing around like a toddler doing the potty dance. I looked at my friend as I raised a strawberry blonde eyebrow. His light brown hair looked like a squished porcupine on his head. “Dai I think-Did Dria roll ...
  • 1280

    Normally when one thinks of curses one usually thinks of someone being ugly or having an unattractive quality about their appearance. The curse is always broken by the love of a handsome prince who accepts the princess for who she is, despite the strange feature that hinders her physical beauty. They always end up getting ...