Tag: self-care
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Low-Touch Spa And Wellness Treatment Options
2020 was definitely a wild ride, with COVID-19 wreaking havoc in many aspects of life. It created immense challenges and considerable stress. It also caused numerous spa and wellness facilities to shut down. As a result, many people lost access to services that helped alleviate daily stresses. But, the industry got creative and now offers ... Treat Yourself
Writing is always portrayed as this magical process where you sit in front of a screen long enough and eventually your brilliance will spill out on the page. Sometimes this is true, and it’s like you have a personal movie theater in your head. Then other days it’s a struggle to get to the end ...Work Can Wait
Books have always gotten me through tough times. I would sit on my bed and travel to magical lands when I wasn’t able to go anywhere. I loved to get to know all of the different characters. I think that’s what sparked my love of writing because I never had to leave my characters once ...Hello Old Friend
I have always read books. The only time I remembered not enjoying reading was when I first learned how to read. I would memorize books that I had to read in the first grade so my teacher wouldn’t realize I was behind. The next thing I knew I was reading the abridged versions of classics ...New Year’s Resolutions: Make A Resolution To Continue Improving Yourself
Every year, people think about what their New Year’s resolution is going to be for the coming year. Going into 2021, rather than making the typical resolutions or goals, start small and reframe what you are asking of yourself. Reflecting on the main important areas of your life, and choosing one thing to do differently ...Discouragement Deflection
“Congratulations” Says everyone else in my life. You say: “Are you sure you’re qualified?” instead. I assure you: I’m enough.The Mind
My mind feels like a puzzle Made from pieces I’ve found along the way Not a complete set And with no picture to speak of. Sitting here with a rattled mind Wondering what I should do Doing everything in my power To distract myself from what I’m supposed to do I always wonder why I ...