• Setting of building

      Drip.      Drip.        Drip.           Drip. Welcome, welcome, dear friend, to Rutledge Psychiatric Institute. Come, come in. I know it is not the atmosphere you crave, but you did tell me you needed to go somewhere new. Really, there’s nothing to be afraid of. See, yes, there are lights everywhere; everything is clean and pristine and up-to-date. ...
  • space

    There have been numerous legends and stories about monster wolves throughout history. The ancient Dire Wolf lived in North America and Eastern Asia. It is larger than the average wolf, but did it die?  That is the question many scientists are asking themselves. Especially when there have been reports about a strange wolf-like creature called ...
  • gallows-2631544_1280

    I was in the mood to watch an Indie Horror movie and came across A Haunting in Salem. To represent this, I chose an image of gallows by kalhh from Pixabay. The premise of the film is that a sheriff relocates to Salem, Massachusetts, with his family. Meet the Downs family, a typical family composed of husband, wife, son, and ...
  • 776

    I never saw you coming that day.  Instantly, talking with you felt as natural as breathing. I never saw you coming, but I did nothing but hope and pray you eventually would someday, and here you are. Imperfect, and beautiful-all for me to love with my very last breath. Who needs to say, “I do” ...
  • person screaming

    The soft feel of the wind starts to wake her up. Hadera could feel the blood trickling across her face. Hadera’s vision was blurry as she slowly started to lift her head. She was in the middle of a foggy forest, her cold hands bound to a metal chair. She looked around in horror as ...
  • person screaming

    Read previous chapters of Infected here. Hadera ran into the parking lot with blood dripping down her face. Her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was about to burst from her chest. Her vivid illusions were getting out of hand. She ran through the park cars trying to get to safety. ...
  • person screaming

    Read previous chapters of Infected here. The tears just kept on coming. Hadera sat at her computer desk, and she could not stop the sobs that escaped from her chest. The person she cared for the most was now dead, and there was no answer to what happened to him. All Hadera could think about ...
  • person screaming

    Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Hadera took her time from getting off the bus. She knew she was extremely late for work, but from what everything she was experiencing as of late, she didn’t care at this point about being tardy. What she experienced at the train station was haunting ...
  • person screaming

    Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4   Chapter 5 She hurriedly grabbed her keys as she ran out of her apartment door. Her high heels clicked the pavement as she omitted to use refrained from using the elevator and ran down the narrow steps from her apartment. She’d overslept yet again due to ...
  • hands wrapped in lights

    What are your hands really for? What are a pair of hands true purpose? My hands are there to hold you at your weakest; to hold you at your strongest. Turn my palms into cups so that they catch the tears you shed.    My fingers will act as ties to keep you from going ...