• Plantation home with long driveway

    Unease settled over me when I tried to piece together the puzzle between Aunt Thelma and Uncle Jeb’s true identity. Their ghostly presence commanded a source of comfort in our family, but now I found it impossible to rid myself of the notion there may be a deeper layer of their story. I needed to ...
  • Plantation home with long driveway

    Days went by, and still waiting for word from Thelma. I drove to the farm, hoping to see my Uncle Jeb, but he wasn’t on the grounds. It was unusual for him not to be around. The gnawing tug in my gut grew stronger. But when Ralph, the most unobservant of men, failed to offer ...
  • Plantation home with long driveway

    Uncle Jeb had a far-off look in his eyes, as if gathering his thoughts on where to start with his missing hand story. Throughout my childhood, my mom and aunt recounted the tale of him driving down one of the dirt roads one day with his arm dangled out the window. His truck got too ...
  • Plantation home with long driveway

    The morning passed peacefully after Ken left for work. I showered and dressed before I drove out to the house to do more research. I texted Ralph. Considering his character, it was likely he had already headed to the golf course to play a round before enjoying the rest of his day at the country ...
  • Plantation home with long driveway

    Exhausted after my harrowing experience, Ralph, though reluctant at first, cooperated with me. As I drove home to get some much-needed rest, my thoughts turned to Liz. My next step had to involve her. I wondered if she had ever been in the abyss. If she had, she said nothing. Her ordeal with the plate-eye ...
  • Plantation home with long driveway

    Gravity tugged at every fiber of my being. The black hole stretched me thin as I hurtled through the abyss. Colors swirled around me in a mesmerizing dance that blended and morphed into shapes beyond comprehension. I shielded my sight and tried to steady myself against the onslaught of sensations that threatened to overwhelm my ...
  • Plantation home with long driveway

    Upon hearing the blood-curdling scream, we all jumped out of our seats and ran for the staircase. I reached it first and took the stairs two at a time. My brief knock on the closed door where Liz was staying wouldn’t have been sufficient in any other circumstance, but this unique situation called for immediate ...
  • Plantation home with long driveway

    All twelve of us were seated by 9:00 p.m., and Roxanne explained what happens once a soul was summoned. Except for a few candles spread throughout the dining area, the room was dark. The tapestry window coverings were drawn closed against any reflection from the glass. At the center of the round table, Roxanne used ...
  • Plantation home with long driveway

    Liz’s words echoed as I drove home from Sea Island. What message could a spirit possibly have for me? All of this seemed so superficial. It’s not like I had any powers or connection to Dahlia or Clementine. Could I transfer this apparition to Liz? She’s the person with all the knowledge and power. Understanding ...
  • Plantation home with long driveway

    Ralph stood at the top of the staircase, with a sense of enthusiasm, holding his golf shoes and glove. “Weren’t you in the parlor a minute ago?” I glanced up at him. “What? No. I have a tee time at nine. After last night’s shenanigans, I’m running late. What did you want to talk about? ...