Words Within: Faith (Part 2 Of 5)

- Words From Within (Part 1 of 5)
- Words Within: Faith (Part 2 Of 5)
Several Years Ago
All his life, he felt a calling; something told him to seek out the knowledge hidden deep within the city. And then the voice started speaking, several years into running after the calling. The High Rulers’ Archive has the answer. And maybe it was unwise to follow a voice he’d never heard before. Maybe it suddenly appearing in his head should have raised concern. But he wasn’t the type to listen to concern.
Marble floors echoed the click click click of her heels as she escorted him away. Kaidyn heard her speaking to him and he wasn’t quite sure what he said back. Whatever it was seemed to satisfy her. Selene was her name. A servant to the High Rulers as well as a discipline to the cardinal of the Duskfather. As she opened the door leading away from the High Rulers’ chambers, he got a good look at her. Short Brown hair streaked with blonde, brown eyes behind wide rimmed glasses, a pointed nose, and a hard mouth. A thin body with sharp elbows and stick like limbs. Selene wore a simple outfit of a plain shirt and black pants, with the symbol of the Duskfather- the shadow of a man surrounded by clouds- hanging off a silver chain from her belt.
Before he can stop himself, he asked her to dinner.
Perhaps she felt sorry that his request to study the ruins had been denied. Perhaps she saw something in him Kaidyn didn’t see himself. After all, he was just a scholar in poor clothes; a jacket that’s seen better days, pants with dirt stains that never came out, and a t-shirt with loose hems and holes. What did she see in him? Later, he would learn that she saw someone that could be saved. Duskfather followers- especially the cardinal- would see someone who needed to see a different truth. The High Rulers saw someone who needed to be corrected.
One day, Kaidyn would look in the mirror and see someone with power forced behind brick walls.