The Boozy Book Club – Part 1

What do you get when you mix my mother with booze, books, and a new city? Well, I wasn’t too sure of the combination when she first told me about it, but I had my reservations. My mother, Ellie Kavanaugh, is a force to be reckoned with! I’m Greer, her only daughter. I’ve been adulting for about three years now, but I can tell mom still feels like I left the nest yesterday. We were inseparable, but that all changed when the military brat (that’s me) enlisted and moved away after high school. She takes my absence in stride and doesn’t hold on the way some parents do. I love that about her.
Lately, mom isn’t adjusting well to her new surroundings. Dad’s worried. He thinks she’s getting depressed because they’ve been uprooted again. Their recent move to Alabama has been harder on her than usual. Ellie has a hard time opening up to new people. I inherited that little introvert trait from her and moving around when the military tells you, makes the meeting part of peopling difficult. But now I’m gone… she left her friends in Kansas. I get the feeling she’s having a hard time navigating these new waters solo. She’s not the kind to make friends quickly. I can still hear her tell me, “Daughter dearest, look for quality in people, not quantity! A few quality friends are far better than a quantity of crappy ones.” So when the moves come—as they always do—she has to start over again and quality friends take time.
Tuesday, October 20th
Email from Mom
From: Ellie Kavanaugh
To: Greer Kavanaugh
Subject: Lost in Bamaland
Daughter Dearest,
Alabama… what can I say about this place? We got here three days ago. Our household goods are still in transit and we’re living on the tiny bits we brought with us. It’s different from any place we’ve been stationed at before. The climate, living off post for the first time, and around civilians again. Eek! Even dad’s job is different. Life away from a line unit is unique. Needless to say, it’s a culture shock, but to be fair I always get that unsettled feeling in a new town. Here’s hoping the introvert in me gets a little social. So far, I’m perfectly happy not meeting people and socialization is proving difficult, but I didn’t take to Kansas easily either. It was an adjustment going without big city conveniences, but after years of small-town living, it feels unnatural to deal with the traffic, the drivers, the humidity, and back in the heat! The crisp fall weather of Kansas is a thing of the past. One day I was in a state where cool nights, long sleeves, hot coffee, and comfy sweats were wearable. Now I’m back to summer clothes and running the A/C. I know I just moved here, but I miss you. How are things with you? Come visit!
Say yes…
Love Mom
Thursday, October 22nd
Email Reply to Mom
From: Greer Kavanaugh
To: Ellie Kavanaugh
Subject: Can’t be that lost in Bama!
Mummy Dearest,
Oh mamacita I hear you. Living in Mississippi was different from where we’d been before. I hate the humidity… full stop. It was a culture shock for me too, and I hardly got out since I was there for training and all. It’ll feel more like home in time and, before you know it, you’ll meet people you like hanging out with. Doing well here, nothing new to report. Work is keeping me busy. Surprise! I’m coming to visit in December for Christmas. Command approved my leave today. I can’t wait to see the new house. It’s crazy you’re not living on post this time! Gotta run!
Love you…
P.S. It’s nice and cool in Illinois! Very fall-ish weather. XO
Friday, October 23rd
Email from Mom
Daughter Dearest,
Oh you’re coming home?!? That’s fantastic news! Counting the days till you get here. Did I mention you’re also rotten to the core! Rubbing your glorious fall weather in my face. Rude! Color me jealous!
Love you…