Broken Promises – Part Five

Read previous installments of Broken Promises on my author page.
Nicki’s plane landed a few minutes early. One of the first passengers off the plane, she looked through the crowd for Dean’s familiar face. The knots in her stomach made her nauseous.
As the plane approached Anchorage while rummaging for lipstick, the aircraft hit turbulence, causing Nicki to spill her purse contents in the small space occupied by her feet. Bending over to retrieve everything, she became nauseous. The bag in the pocket of the seat in front of her was for moments like these. Opening the bag and placing it over her mouth, the feeling subsided. Her eyes caught the man sitting next to her, giving her dirty looks as he jerked his legs into the plane’s aisle.
She and Dean had not seen each other since she was last there. Had it really been only five months? She looked down to adjust her shirt. Looking back up into the crowd of people, she recognized the black felt cowboy hat bobbing up and down as it appeared to float closer to her. His smiling face came into view. Nicki broke into a run. As she jumped into his arms, Dean swung her around and planted a kiss on her lips. God, she’d missed him. Squeezing him tight, his hat tumbled to the floor.
“I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning,” he said as he placed her feet back on the ground. Nicki bent down to pick up his hat.
“Did Santa bring you everything you wanted?” She laughed as she handed him his hat. He grabbed her by the waist.
He looked her in the eyes. “Best present, ever.” He hugged her. His mouth moved to her ear, “Welcome home, honey.” Tapping her backpack, he said, “Take this off.”
“Right here and now? You animal, can’t wait to get me home?” Nicki seductively pulled a strap off her shoulder, Dean smiled at her. “Okay, enough teasing for now. We have a long drive.”
“Lucky for you. Just kidding. If you can wait, I can wait.” She tried to fake a huff, but it came out as a laugh instead.
Dean helped with the remaining strap. “We got all winter for that, I promise.” Dean placed the pack over one shoulder and reached for her hand. “Come on, let’s head to baggage claim.”
Following the signs to baggage, they walked along in a leisurely stroll as people ran passed them. Nicki talked non-stop about the flight. How she almost got sick and dropped everything out of her purse.
“Hungry?” he interrupted as she got to the barf bag part.
“No. I’m too excited.”
“Too bad. Anne is cooking up a feast. Guess I’ll have to call her and tell her we won’t be stopping by.” Dean’s sheepish grin gave away his teasing.
“Don’t you dare,” she said as she punched him playfully on the arm. “I’ve missed her and Chuck almost as much as I’ve missed you.”
“Good thing, you said, ‘almost.'”
“Oh, there’s my bags.” She ran over to the carousel and pointed them out to Dean.
Running to catch them, Dean grabbed two suitcases and then headed toward the parking garage. As they exited the doors, the cold air hit Nicki’s bare arms. Goosebumps rose up along with another temperature gauge on her chest. “Damn. I forgot how cold it gets up here.” Her arms crossed around her bosom, and she began rubbing her hands up and down her arms.
“You’ll get used to it. Then again…” Nicki’s back hit the truck as he pressed against her. “I may throw you outside now and again.” His eyes moved down her face to her chest. “But I’m famished. And the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
Dean opened the passenger door of his truck. “Here, take this.” He took off his flannel shirt, smelling of his cologne, and handed it to Nicki. It was warm from his body heat. She breathed it in slowly. Is there anything wrong with this man? How the hell did I get this lucky? I know I’m awake cause I’ve pinched myself every time we spoke on the phone.
As he hopped into the driver’s side, he looked over at Nicki. “Looks good on you.” He smiled and leaned over to give her a kiss. “Hmmm, now I wish I hadn’t made any plans with Anne and Chuck. Just want you all to myself for a couple of days, in bed, naked, with a roaring fire.”
“You’re so romantic,” Nicki said as she looked into his eyes. She placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him again. “But we’ll have plenty of time for that this winter, I promise.” Mocking him, in a high squeaky voice. “I don’t sound like that, do I?” he asked.
“I’ll never tell. Now let’s go. I’m hungry thinking of Anne’s cooking.”
“Now, you know. I wonder what Anne puts in her food? A highly addictive drug? No taste, and leaves you craving for more.” He laughed as he patted his hard, muscular stomach.
Nicki felt a tinge of envy. Why hadn’t they crossed paths sooner?
* * * * *
Anne came bursting through the kitchen doors like she had the first time they had met. Her natural beauty was stunning in the colors she selected to wear. But it was her soul, which radiated from her eyes. It made everyone feel important, loved, and comfortable. People were drawn to her.
Bypassing Dean, who stood next to Nicki with his arms out, she threw her arms around Nicki, and whispered in her ear, “Missed you so much.”
“Me too,” Nicki whispered back.
Dean watches the two women as they interacted. With a dejected look on his face, he said, “Hey, what am I? Chopped liver?”
“No.” Anne put her arm around Nicki’s waist and directed her down the hall towards the kitchen. Winking, she said, “Old hat is more like it.”
“Well, I’ve never…” Dean’s voice rose up a pitch as he followed the women into the kitchen, shuffling his feet.
“Where’s my old sidekick. He’ll give me a proper welcome.”
“Down in the man cave bringing up some beer. Go help him while we catch up,” Anne said. “Dinner in fifteen.”
Dean continued his act of shuffling his feet until he reached the stairs. “Here I come, Chuckie Poo.” And then he bounded down the stairs, one at a time.
“God, he’s a nut case,” they both laughed.
“Red or white?”
“Red sounds good.” Nicki glanced over at the fireplace. “Guess I’m going to have to learn how to start a fire. I can’t believe how chilly it is up here, even in the summer.”
“Especially in the summer. We have a few warm days, but it mostly rains. It doesn’t stop us from doing anything, though. If you dress for the weather, you should be fine. We’ll go shopping, and I’ll show you what to buy.”
“Great. I’d appreciate that.”
Anne handed her a wine glass. “Cheers. I’m so glad you’re here. I’m looking forward to our long friendship.”
“Me too.” Their glasses touched with a clink, and they both took a sip of the smooth tasting red liquid. “Mmmm, I needed this,” Nicki said out loud to her glass.
“That bad?” questioned Anne.
“I’ve been so uptight ever since I made the decision to move up here, I mean, Anne, I sold everything. I left everyone I know down in the Lower 48. Hey, I get to say it now. ‘The Lower 48.'” Nicki’s nervous laugh seemed to echo in the large room.
“If it makes you feel any better, Alaska is not a state I dreamed I would ever live in. I wanted warm, tropical, an island even. I love to surf and boogie board; build sandcastles. I always hated cold and snow. The sun is my friend.” Anne took a sip of her wine. “But Chuck had an opportunity here, and, well, the rest is history, as they say. It’s amazing the doors that open when you follow love.”
Nicki was intrigued. Anne didn’t usually open up about her past life. “I don’t know why I thought you were born and raised here. Didn’t you meet Chuck after you moved up?”
“Yes, and no. It’s a long story. Too long for tonight. I’ll tell you someday when we go shopping. We’ll spend the day in town, have lunch.” Anne walked over to the refrigerator and took out a large bowl with salad tongs hanging out. She handed it to Nicki, smiling. “Hope you’re hungry, it’s almost time to eat.”
* * * * *
“Land of the Midnight Sun,” Dean mentioned as they drove down the road at midnight. People were out partying in their garages and driveways, demonstrating the different way of life all her friends had told her to expect. She believed them. “What’s with the firepits?”
“Mostly to ward off the state bird, the mosquito,” Dean explained to her as they drove through a neighborhood where she could hear loud music and saw kegs of beer scattered throughout the complex. The smell of cigarette smoke and marijuana hung heavy in the air.
“Is this how I will be?” she asked, looking out the car window.
“Definitely.” Dean looked over at her and winked. “I have a tanning bed though, just in case you really miss the sunlight. You won’t be as white as a sheet. After your first full winter here, you’ll understand.”
Nicki started biting the skin inside her cheek. Seeing her concern, Dean patted her knee. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. You’ll be fine. I promise.”
There it was, another promise.
Nicki relaxed. “How much further?”
“Another 30 minutes or so.”
“Any chance we could move closer to Anne and Chuck?”
“Wait until you see my place. I’ve got a good feeling you’ll change your mind once you see it.”
“Why? Do you have a transporter to transport me anywhere I want to go?”
Dean laughed. “Not exactly. I have a Hamm radio.”
“Not really the same.” Nicki rolled her eyes and crossed her arms around her chest.
“Do you always do that?” Dean asked.
“Do what?”
“Cross your arms when you hear something you don’t like?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I do. I never noticed it before.”
“Trust me. I will show you everything you need to know to survive here. I’ll teach you how to shoot a shotgun, what type of weapon you may need if a bear or a moose charges you. By the time next spring comes along, you’ll be a wealth of knowledge about the joys and dangers of living in Alaska. I’ll be by your side the whole time. I promise.”
And another promise…
“Do you always do that?” Nicki asked Dean.
“Do what?”
“Make promises?”
“I make promises I know I can keep.”
“You promise?” she asked. Looking over at Dean, she knew he believed he could keep those promises.
Yes, it’s funny and heartbreaking the conversations she remembers having. The silliest, tiniest pieces of conversations keep popping into her mind, even months after Dean disappeared. It was as if he were engulfing her soul, drawing her to some unknown conclusion.
Nicki awoke and yanked the covers off herself. A blast of frigid air hit her like a strong wind. Her feet hit the cold floor. Is this how you felt out there all alone? Shivering, Nicki wobbled her way to the thermostat. It read 48 degrees. Bailey was curled up in a ball on her bed; She could see her breath. Turning it up to 78, she shuffled back to bed. The blankets pulled up below her chin.
Not tonight, my love.