• A sunset urban cityscape with three brown buildings behind a street with two cars in view.

    The apartment I was born in was off a dead-end street in Queens, New York. My parents referred to the street as “The Magic Street”. It gained its magic because of the lack of speeding cars coming in and out. The light traffic gave my parents peace of mind when we were outside. I felt ...
  • the words be kind in black print on a white background next to cut flowers

    Every day is a mix of the good, bad, and the ugly. What if a stranger walks in on an ugly moment? A small snapshot of the day where life is less than stellar. How do you want them to react? I doubt any of you say with harsh judgment, criticism, and a laundry list ...
  • black and white woman screaming with hand on cheek.

    I turned the key to my front door as the familiar click echoed in the quiet morning. With only the occasional hoot from the nocturnal predator, the atmosphere was eerie. Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpsed movement beside the big sign announcing the neighborhood watch. However, the closest thing to security in ...
  • two girls on Halloween night with pumpkins and a witch

    In 1990, Halloween’s enchanting spell Cast its magic over our Southern communityLike a sweet-smelling mist that fills the air, and makes your heart beat fast with pure delight. My sister dresses as a black cat, no surprise,While I take on the role of Madonna, The Material Girl, herself My golden hair in waves, lacy black gloves in placeI ...
  • Leaves in a circle

    Shivering Leaves, forced by the power of the wind, form a circle. Threatened, the need for circle time has never been greater; the need to look into each other’s eyes has not been more real. Holding hands, this empowering moment will last through their lifetimes.
  • Blooming rose

    Blooming, my dear child flower, as you go into the world, allow me to tell you there will be days you will feel loved by every leaf. Each leaf will come to assist you in your growth, and you will feel as if you’re on top of the world. But there will also be days ...
  • Dripping sunlight

    The radiance on his face shows all. His folded hands say all. He won all negotiations with the One. While alive, he meditated and repeated His name ad nauseam. He entered the One’s universe on his own terms. He merged with One, for the world to see. The world he leaves behind still does not ...
  • Shimmering water

    Rising, clinging to the sea wall Mammoth Barnacle has been stepping up to see One’s light. Deep down below in the sea of seas, tiny jellyfish Pinks has the same idea. She stretches her tentacles, touches one of the steps of Mammoth. Mammoth’s nerves send a current down Pinks’ arm-like tentacles. Pinks retreats. Thinking of ...

    She gave her birth, breathed life into her. Fed, caressed, soothed, punished. Comforted again. She got her to believe in all things unreal or what seemed real. But today, child’s grown enough to be self-reliant. She needs no womb, no feeds, nor caresses. Her own strength guides her, and she forms her own beliefs. Mother ...
  • The Rising Sun

    The Sun promises to brighten every day Yet, not all parts. If you chose its shadow, darkness may envelop you. So rise, and see the light.