Tag: Mental Health
Beloved Brother Gone-Part 1
In the hushed, soft-lit room, Sudhir lies in a pine coffin draped with a white cloth. Munna, my younger sister, and I arrange white gladiolas on either end with peace lilies along the length. Deep red roses lie in the middle. Mummy enters with Juji (my youngest sister). The priest prepares the thali for the ...Nurturing Spiritual Growth by Caring for the Mind and Body
I am a Christian. After years of life in a sheltered church environment, I dove out into the world to find people in different spiritual spaces. Most of what I found was enlightening, encouraging, and helped increase my closeness to God. But along the way, I found a problematic doctrine that weaponized the bible against ...Anxiety is a Liar: Discover the Truth and Set Yourself Free
Anxiety is a friend of mine. Friend may not be the right word; we have a love/hate relationship. Why? Anxiety is a liar. The constant thread of information filing through my brain is anything but reliable. Since my anxiety is here to stay, it is my job to see the truth and speak logic into ...Calming the Chaos of the Heavy Mental Load
Every organization needs a leader. Fortune 500 companies have a CEO. My family has me. I am mom—the queen of logistics, the finder of lost objects, and the keeper of the schedules. This amazing title comes with a long list of responsibilities and an endless ticker tape of tasks to do. The mental load of ...New Diagnosis, Same Person
This year has been about figuring out what I need to put my best foot forward. Change is hard and takes time. Patience is not a virtue I inherited. New routines can make a person feel like they have lost sight of their life. I was so focused on getting through the day that I ...Building Habits
Habits and routines help avoid the urge to scroll on social media. Half my day consists of scrolling through TikTok and Instagram because I can’t decide what task needs my attention next. A therapist suggested I create habits. First, figure out what activities will help you live the best life. Getting stronger would improve mobility ...Where is my wife Stacey?
February 1, 2023 at 9 a.m. “Where is my wife Stacey?” asks John. Answer: “Stacey is out shopping. You are spending the day with us.” John: “Oh! Okay then. Where can I park myself?” Answer: “Right here on this chair. We will be starting a fun program singing patriotic songs.” John: “Oh! Okay.” 10:00 a.m. ...A New Journey
A New-Path Last week, I started on medication for anxiety and depression. I never imagined I couldn’t handle it on my own. Life has been pretty good, all things considered. People don’t have homes, or access to food, water, or safe housing. Fortunately, I’ve never been without any basic needs. White privilege and two working ...Illumination and Liberation
I meditate Letting go of aspirations, Letting in what is Under self-restricting views, Monitoring News. I’m slowly dissolving. Not quitting, not doubting, Attention to breathing Towards Present. In and out, in and out, On the way to Liberation. Neither this nor that – with you. Love what is, Immediate and fulfilling, But never take ...