Tag: relationship
Come with me, my sisters; come with me to paradise. Follow me through the shadows to the sanctity of the midnight garden. I will lead you through the heartache and sorrows, as you shed the burden you carry. Don’t look back; don’t shed one tear. They have much to learn before home calls to them. ...The Journey
I stand here with the hands of my mother and grandmother resting firmly on my shoulders – for they are my guide Strong, solid, unwavering, women who created the woman I am and continue to guide the woman I will become I shift slightly making room for the hands of my father and brother ...How To Follow God’s True Desire for Marriage
Marriage is a sacred bond between two people. A relationship desired by God and meant to be held as infinitely important. As God desires us to be in an intimate relationship with Him, our personal relationships also need to adhere to certain standards. When the high standards of the most holy are not met, we ...The Coffee Shop
Kaila stood outside, watching him from the window. She couldn’t help it. This was always her favorite coffee shop. Then it was theirs, and now it was his. After everything that happened between them, she found she didn’t miss him at all. She missed the coffee. This coffee shop was in the perfect location for ...The Somber Silence Of Miniscule Losses
“Is this better?” Mike asked as he finished fixing the pillows behind Lena. “Yeah. Thanks, babe.” Lena didn’t want to look him in the eye for fear that he might see the truth behind the lie. She couldn’t get comfortable no matter how hard she tried. Every position hurt. “What else can I do?” Mike ...I’m Allowed To
In any relationship, there are times when discussions erupt. Opposing viewpoints clash, and some sort of middle ground needs to found in order for peace to be restored. At least, that is what a disagreement in a respectful and mature relationship will do. The fact is that in life you will never get everything you ...Adulthood: Childhood In Disguise
We spend the majority of our formative years waiting to grow up. Then we grow up enough to be able to do everything we wanted to do as children and all we want to do is go back to having naptime after lunch. I recently turned 30 a few weeks ago, and I have been ...- Home & GardenLifestyleCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & Autobiographies
Broken Webs
I’m looking through the glassyour lifeYou smile, twirl, and pipeto your followers.You spin your web and entangle othersManipulation and imitationyou draw them in. The glass fogs up as Ibreathe on it.Helpless. No way to warn.Threadsof deception ensnare.They are wrappedin a tangled web. You smile.then I realize I am not helpless. With onestrong strikethe glass cracks ... Dwennimmen
It’s not thinking lessof yourself. It’s thinking ofyourself less. This isa ram’s horn’s composition:Humility’s perfection.