• woman walking through forest alone

    Do you know how to survive life as a woman? This poem can help.
  • Werewolf

    I researched North Dakota’s cryptids for this week’s article, and there are a couple of interesting ones. The one that is the most fascinating is the Miniwashitu. The Miniwashitu is a famous Native American legend passed down by the Dakota tribe. A river monster that terrorized the Missouri River, and Melvin Randolph Gilmore wrote a ...
  • 564

    Does anyone know how to use the online classifieds? I'm looking for a new roommate. Here's a little about me and my home. I live in a lovely old victorian. It sits upon a hill, overlooking the ocean. I love the bird's eye view. I love looking at the sea from my cozy attic bedroom. ...
  • Red Fire Digital

    The late evening sky was clear as Emma sat at the far end of the New York City subway car. There was no one else in this dingy segment with her; she tried to avoid dozing off and missing her stop. The train conductor’s muffled voice announced the next stop. “THIS IS WEST 153RD STREET, ...
  • expression

    I love horror movies. Not the gore and slasher type movies that seem to be popular today. Genuine scary movies like the original Halloween and the remake Halloween.  The horror movie The Hills Have Eyes reminds me of this week’s cryptid article. The movie’s plot is mutant creatures created from nuclear testing. My essay is about Connecticut’s Melon Heads. The ...
  • Halloween

    The following is a collection of "Bite-Sized" scary stories. A perfect treat for Halloween.
  • wolf

    I used to watch Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone growing up in the 6o’s. I loved the part where he introduces the episode by saying, “Imagine if you will.” Then transports us to a different time and place when the episode begins. Welcome to the Twilight Zone. That brings me to my story. Imagine if you will, ...
  • person screaming

    The soft feel of the wind starts to wake her up. Hadera could feel the blood trickling across her face. Hadera’s vision was blurry as she slowly started to lift her head. She was in the middle of a foggy forest, her cold hands bound to a metal chair. She looked around in horror as ...