• image of galaxy and mountains on the moon

    We skate on icy rainbowsthat shimmer between puffy cloudssliding along the blades of golden rayscareful of the jagged shards. Puffs of foggy shouts crystallizeas we fall into softblankets of sky snowready to soften the blow. We play tag with shooting starsand Double Dutch withthe Constellations,our laughter rings through the Milky Way. Then along comes Nightsweeping ...
  • a girl sleeping on a bed covered in stars

    The following poem is from Lo Potter’s upcoming collection “Celestial Navigation” set for release in September 2021 it’s funny how only a great time laterwe take real personal meaning from dreams.when I dreamt that my bed was safe,because you would make it so.and those stars we pointed to,making constellations in our minds,slowly learning direction,teaching me ...