• woman working on computer

    This article is designed to help students create PowerPoint presentations that are sure to impress! Choosing a Perfect Template  Looking through the catalog of PowerPoint sample templates can be a little overwhelming. All of these are meant to be used in presentations. Some backgrounds, however, have more marketing appeal than others. The “Facet” template is ...
  • 1101

    Part 1 The end of 2019 signifies the end of 2019 as well as a decade yet looking back feels more like scrolling through last week’s Instagram. It feels like 2016- a hard year for a lot of folks- had just ended. It feels like nothing but a blink of an eye has passed since ...
  • Microsoft hololens headset

    The Hololens brings your standard on-screen computing experience into your living room in the third dimension (3-D), or what Microsoft is calling Mixed Reality Holographic Computing.
  • https://pixabay.com/en/mobile-phone-smartphone-keyboard-1917737/

    Technology today is growing on a rapid schedule, sometimes so much so that we can’t even keep track of it. It’s rare to see someone that doesn’t have a smartphone in their hand these days. I remember just a few months back celebrating a group text that my grandpa sent on his little flip phone. ...
  • 1556

    A-commerce is not new. In fact, you’ve undoubtedly experienced it a few times with self-checkouts in retail outlets or when suggestions are made based on what you view while shopping online. A-commerce, or Automated Commerce, refers to the automation–and often–customization of a consumer’s retail experience through the use of devices, big data, algorithms, deep learning, ...
  • https://pixabay.com/en/social-media-digitization-faces-2528410/

    Technology is no longer a luxury – it is a necessity to function in society these days. People are never disconnected from their media of choice. Because of this, the mass media are deeply ingrained in every aspect of our society and have a tight grip on what we see. It is impossible to deny ...