Tag: Therapy
A Road Not Taken
A road not taken wasforty years ago – to trust my motherhear her advicefire the therapistwho honed my resentment against her. If I did, I would have beenIn touch with my brothersmarried youngerhave childrenbe close to my momforty years earlier. Instead, I listened to aa therapist who sharpened thevenom I had against my mother. I ...Healing Is Hard Work
Anniversaries of significant life moments are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you can see how far you have come since that moment. Then, on the other, you can see how far you have not come since that moment. I dabbled with therapy in my 20s but focused most of my time and money ...Waiting Games
My life has been one problem after another these past few months. Despite my best efforts to keep moving forward, I have been miserable. I have been working towards becoming the best version of myself. I am awful at giving myself credit unless I accomplish my ultimate goal. Therapy is helping me realize that small ...Failure To Cope
My Creative Writing teachers always stressed the importance of writing letters you would never send.The Next Steps
I took a big step this week for my personal growth. I looked for a counselor or therapist. This may not seem like that big of a deal, but it was for me. I probably have needed therapy since middle school. I avoided getting it when I was older because I have never considered myself ...- FictionMemoir & AutobiographiesCultureEntertainmentHealth & WellnessCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & Relationships
Content Warning: contains references to assault, drug use, death of a parent, and child abuse. When we spotted her, she sat in the corner. A tiny child holding a doll, she picked its poofed hair with the ferocity of potential future trichotillomania. Her skin’s patches of white and darker tan contrasted with the doll’s color ...