Tag: writing
Crash into me in tidal waves Rush up hemlines of receding shore Tempest fingers in remnants of history Deposited sands of time; Expose metal detector mysteries: Barbed wire and shrapnel Wrapped around bones Featured Image by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash- LifestyleNonfictionCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryEnvironmentHome & Garden
Thoughts To Flames
Speaking in earnestI search for a truthThis world I resideSeeking the proof To validate lifeHard to imagineDivisiveness fluent The error of passion My hearts skips a beatMy breath becomes shallowWith thoughts of my childrenEngulfed in this shadow What will becomeOf the ground they will walkThe steps that they takeThis violence of cause I can only ... Will You Accept This Submission?
I’m the type of person who hates failing. The idea of getting behind, or not turning in good quality work makes me anxious. I’ve always prided myself on being able to check in with myself. There have always been certain aspects of my personality I knew without a doubt. My “talent” as a writer is ...Treat Yourself
Writing is always portrayed as this magical process where you sit in front of a screen long enough and eventually your brilliance will spill out on the page. Sometimes this is true, and it’s like you have a personal movie theater in your head. Then other days it’s a struggle to get to the end ...A Writer’s Scar
Read Part One here. We normally make vast understatements when the actual statements can’t be put into words. And saying that these times are rough? There’s no greater understatement. The writer knows this and has no choice but to ignore the temptation to accurately articulate how times really are. Because exactly how are you supposed ...Podium Of Life
Here at the podium strength of my life Time to now speak Settle for this Momentum is mine I pray for the weak Leave hope in the past Eternal I wish With death now surrounding every small step every last word every last breath Here at the podium I speak my last peace Pay homage ...Thirst
Nothing to say.Too much to say.Pen to paper isLike a glass to my mouth. Sometimes I don’t realizeHow thirsty I amUntil water touches my tongue.I drink Liquid spills all over.I don’t careI’ll clean it up later.The water refreshes My throatBanishing drynessIgniting a voice. My voice. Photo courtesy of Silviarita from PixabayGlass Of Hope
Succumb to nature Fallen wish Failure Mounting I Must Dismiss Negative thoughts Come in troves Death among me Run From Those Mental motions Now I pass Crystal ball In Crystal Glass I seek in you A promised wish No more struggle Hope Is Missed Image by Hans Braxmeier from PixabayCloud To Cast
Anger incessant fueled by misfortune Distortion of truth my only way forward This karma surrounding exempt of forgiveness There must be a lesson surely I’m missing I contemplate death yet that would decide The end of my search the loss of this sign Can only now hope that this shall not pass Down to my ...Visions Of Irony
Some afflictions would be better not to exist. In the case of interplanetary parasites, many people show signs of futuristic visions. This “so-called” affliction is cause for concern to all governments of planet Earth. Those who are infected with a parasite don’t have many options. The only viable course of action to eliminate them is ...