Tired Talks
I hate writer’s block. I know some people don’t believe it exists. My writer’s block this week is a combination of sleep deprivation and the fact that I have been dealing with a lot of physical stress. I know the simple solution would be to drink some coffee, I’m trying to wean myself off of coffee until I figure out my bladder issues. I could take a nap, but then I might not sleep tonight. I feel awful when I don’t sleep well for a few days. My body hurts and my toes are scrunched in my shoe.
I know I could take off my shoes and sleep. I hate missing commitments. I’ve always been the type of person who will sacrifice her well-being to accomplish something that I volunteered to do. It’s not someone’s fault if I can’t manage to get my life together for two seconds to do something. The real world doesn’t care if you’ve had a shit week. Sometimes you have to roll with the punches. No matter how bad something seems it isn’t all bad.
Someone still cares about you even if it’s only your dog. Pets depend on you and love you. They’ll wonder why you never came home. I’m sure you have humans that care about you too even if it doesn’t seem like it. I called myself every name in the book when I was going through a tough time. I’m not saying you can’t be upset. This would be ridiculous. Cry if you need to cry. Sometimes that’s the key to writer’s block. You just have to realize someone will appreciate your words. You never know how much your words could mean to another person. The story you have to tell is important.The next time you struggle to form a sentence think about your future protegees. They will think you’re worth it.
Featured photo by Alexas_Fotos courtesy of Pixabay.