You’re The Only One
You’re the only one who knows my heart better than me.
You’re the only one that God knew my heart needed.
You’re the one who I know is meant to dwell in my heart and soul
and call it your forever home.
You’re the only one who mirrors my soul and its spirit perfectly.
A seam that is woven so perfectly,
that the stitches of past heartbreaks can not be seen.
You’re the one who has been waiting down this road called life
for our paths to do more than cross, but to tie, intertwine, and anchor together.
You’re the only one I’ve met whose similarities blend with mine.
Our tears of pain, loss, frustration, create a watercolor of beauty that makes our love prominent.
You’re the only one I was made to share this with.
It took God time to chose our destiny.
It took longer before we met and said, “Hello.”
You’re the one God made for me,
He opened my heart without allowing me to protest or hesitate.
While I remained wrapped and attached to my caution,
it didn’t take long for the caution to be erased by your steady appearance.
You are the only one who is meant for me.
You have my heart center-stage in your continuous pursuit of me.
You don’t pursue me with tricks and games,
your pursuit of me is only filled with truth and pure intention-
the intention of forever with me.
Like me, you believe I am the only one for you,
that dreams can come embodied in the form of a matching soul.
You’re the only one meant to be mine-
what a beautiful thought…
What a beautiful gift from God to bestow upon us
with him in the center keeping us connected between the vast distance.
Waiting upon his word to move beyond the distance-
finally fading and becoming the backdrop for a conjoined silhouette.
For now, it’s enough to know you’re the only one meant to be for me, and only me.
The mere knowledge of this fact holds a beauty that I do not take for granted.
You’re the one meant for me, and I love that more than I can express.
Photo By Stephen Leonardi ,