Benefits Of Another

He is the perfect partner
The words tumble from her lips
disregarding any
pain or tears
previously shed
He is passionate and dignified
words she now utters
as the warmth
of his body
comforts her in his bed
His words are
soft and caring
like none she’s ever heard
her words describe him boldly
without the slightest care in the world
She’s oblivious to the
time and patience
invested by her predecessor
who buffed and shaped the ewer
She will never see
the hurt and slander
removed to make
him inimitable
She now admires
the sweat and tears
mixed with
unknown hardship
of the one who came before her
The vessel now admired
was broken just prior
healed over time
by love and compassion
invested by another
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels