Who Is a Woman?

A Woman’s a Lotus
planted firmly, deep into the water
yet unattached,
her leaves – they float above all.
She rises, holding chin up, and smiles through the day.
Outside temperature may be 50 degrees Fahrenheit,
but she regulates the temperature of her flowers at 86 degrees Fahrenheit,
bringing warmth to all, regardless of whether related to her by blood or not.
She manages, endures, handles, deals, makes decisions, keeps things moving,
as she knows her strength comes from her kindness.
Kindness begets further kindness.
Gifted with many talents, her strengths far outweigh her weaknesses.
Sun sets.
Emboldened by her day’s activities, she closes her petals,
doors to the outside world,
for she must take care of the world that lives inside of her.
She must rest in peace, to rejoice in her sleep,
and wake up refreshed
for another day of brilliance.
She’s a lotus.
She will always be a Lotus.