CJ And Eliza: Part Three
| Part 1 | and | Part 2 | Buzz… Buzzzz.. Buzzzz I slowly woke from my slumber as the vibration of Eliza’s cellphone lingered. The end credits ...A Modern Day Haiku Chain: A Love Story
I will support you.The mirage-gone dreams live.We will make a home. The chains gone; ghosts gone. Shadows turned to light.Lights shine on fiercely, love ...CJ And Eliza: Part Two
You know how the little things you dislike about a person made you love him or her even more? Well, that was CJ. On ...Ostara Rising: Chapter 5
The taste of Cailleach’s potion still lingered on his lips and churned in his stomach. He felt the celestial elements attaching themselves to him ...Ostara Rising: Chapter 4
Cailleach ripped through the dimensions fueled by fury at the bastard king who tried to kill the man she loved. He would continue to ...Ostara Rising: Chapter 3
Vipoig’s kingdom was fortified and strong. Cailleach noticed over the last six lunar cycles how well his land and its people prospered under his ...Ostara Rising: Chapter 2
Arawn cradled the tender flesh left exposed by Cailleach’s blade. His suspicions were confirmed in the jagged wound that slowly healed. Only a primal ...Ostara Rising: Chapter 1
The air wet with a gentle mist that wasn’t quite rain or snow covered the ground. In the soft darkness, the veil split. The ...Consumption
What is sweeter than milk and honey when your lips are parched of water? Your soul’s shine and the simplicity of your genuine heart’s ...