
Oh, my dear Judas
you once meant
We played, laughed
and fought demons
We wanted to live
and take on the
cruel world.
But your family hated
me hanging out with
someone like you.
Your loved ones
didn’t appreciate me
being a part of your life.
Instead of defending
me against them and
remaining a true friend?
You abandoned me to
an emotional hell
every time.
I became a martyr,
scapegoat, devil
your punching bag.
They crucified me,
betrayed, hated,
just for being there.
I forgave you
like a blind idiot
trusting you.
But oh, my dear Judas,
you damned me to
a prison cell.
You traded the loyalty,
love, and faith
I had for us?
For safety within your
band of Pharisees
and cowardly hypocrites.
Now I arise from
my appointed grave,
because I must live.
Not for you Judas,
but for those who
need me.
And if I must be Jesus
betrayed for a mere
thirty pieces of silver.
Then let it be so
and I bid you adieu,
with a kiss.