The Red Maiden, Part Seventeen

- The Red Maiden, Part One
- The Red Maiden, Part Two
- The Red Maiden, Part Three
- The Red Maiden, Part Four
- The Red Maiden, Part Five
- The Red Maiden, Part Six
- The Red Maiden, Part Seven
- The Red Maiden, Part Eight
- The Red Maiden, Part Nine
- The Red Maiden, Part Ten
- The Red Maiden, Part Eleven
- The Red Maiden, Part Twelve
- The Red Maiden, Part Thirteen
- The Red Maiden, Part Fourteen
- The Red Maiden, Part Fifteen
- The Red Maiden, Part Sixteen
- The Red Maiden, Part Seventeen
- The Red Maiden, Part Eighteen
- The Red Maiden, Part Nineteen
- The Red Maiden, Part Twenty
- The Red Maiden, Part Twenty-One
- The Red Maiden, Part Twenty-Two
This is a work of fanfiction, as none of the content is my original work. The characters are created by Stephen King and J.R.R Tolkien. The content belongs to MGM and Screen Gems, as the 2013 film remake of Carrie was directed by Kimberly Pierce and produced by Kevin Misher, and additional production is through MGM, Screen Gems, and Misher films as well as distributed by Sony Pictures releasing.
In the midst of the joy and relief that came with Bilbo being alive, she could not help but thank her God he was here. Carrie’s tears were from pure happiness and she refused to let Bilbo free of her embrace. She was determined not to let Bilbo free, as if by doing so he would be gone quicker than he appeared. The moment could be frozen in time. That would be enough for Carrie. She wanted it to last forever. It was too good to be true. A smile was now upon her face, resting her head against his as she held him close.
“Don’t ever scare me like that Bilbo Baggins. From now on I will never leave you behind, life or death I will protect you, my dear friend, that’s a promise,” she thought to herself as she began to close her eyes for half a second.
A howling sound made her eyes snap open. Alert, she immediately held on to Bilbo without thought. She held on to Bilbo protectively while trying to determine what exactly they were up against. As more howling sounds echoed one after the other in a deadly and hellish symphony, fewer options became available to fight them in her current powerless state.
“Out of the frying pan,” she could hear Thorin mutter in absolute fear. As the terrifying symphony became louder it left the company no time to run for their lives. She had not a second to waste, letting Bilbo free of her embrace, and grasped his hand in a swift move before they both followed after their friends. Carrie had to trust her adrenaline while silently praying they could outrun and survive the inevitable attack.
The chance of survival became slim as the sea of trees thinned out and they could see the upcoming edge of a cliff. She made a split-second decision at that moment to shove Bilbo up the side of a tree and followed after him, making sure he would not fall to the mercy of the wolves.
Terror settled into the faces of Carrie and the entire company, as the wolf pack came further in their sight with massive numbers. Seeing the entire pack of those creatures, let alone a few grotesque-looking monsters upon them, would be enough to make Carrie’s blood run cold. This, for a brief moment, would be the poster ad for what hell’s demons looked like to Carrie White. Powerless, trapped, and with no way to defend herself let alone save the entire company, it appeared death was ready to snuff their lives out. It appeared that this was the end of their quest and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
What went from bad to worse in their situation of impending doom, Carrie’s eyes widened seeing one pale human-like figure with a metal claw on his right limb coming into full view. It did not take a rocket scientist to determine this was Azog the defiler, the pale orc Balin talked about with the failed quest to take back Moria. It became more certain this was Azog as she glanced over at the tree beside her to see Thorin’s face drain seeing the orc. Doom and dangerous peril were inevitable for everyone, as Azog seemed to relish every minute of witnessing the looks of terror. A deadly smirk formed on his face as he sniffed the air, taking a long inward deep breath, and began to laugh with a dangerous glee in his eyes.
“Jiak ukmell your drutimer, thorin ukon ro thrain,” Azog drawled out as Thorin shook his head in disbelief. It was as if the past memories he experienced, the pain and grief, from attempting to claim Moria with his kin were flooding back as he gazed upon the pale orc. Seeing Thorin’s reaction only made Azog laugh more as the dangerous glee in his eyes turned into deadly determination. The pale orc then glanced upon Carrie and she became overcome with fear, put into a dangerous spotlight with all of his undivided attention.
Carrie expected Azog to react in the same way as he did with Thorin Oakenshield, determined with the same intent to snuff out her life. However, when Azog got a clearer view of Carrie, his smirk and the murderous joy from seeing Thorin, faded and became that of confusion then curiosity in a matter of seconds. This left minutes of silent tension among both opposing parties. Azog said nothing and craned his head a few times without taking his eyes off her. At that moment Carrie White, to the pale orc, became a shiny new toy for him to play with and mutilate. The tension hung in the air as no one dared make a sound, while Carrie was paralyzed with fear the longer Azog studied her.
The tension became more than enough as Azog grinned and gave a low, rumbling chuckle, turning his head to the orcs beside him. “Drepa avhe vok ukcum, ukave avhe nauk-d vajaz for alnej avo deal wiavh,” Azog once more drawled out as he looked upon the company, keeping the smirk plastered on his face and drew his weapon. “Drepa avhem!” Azog exclaimed and the orcs and wolves immediately followed, as each wolf ran towards the trapped company that was clinging on the branches for dear life. Carrie, after snapping out of her terrified trance at Azog’s indiscernible threats, could hear the company’s frightened sounds and saw them cling to the tree branches tighter.
Carrie glanced side to side while holding onto one of the tree branches, hoping and praying for something that could help them out of their peril. Thankfully Gandalf appeared to know what to do and had a plan in mind as she noticed inflamed pinecones being thrown at their enemies. It appeared to make the targeted creatures yelp and the rest back away to avoid the painful flames. But it soon backfired on the entire company with the entire forest now becoming a fiery death trap for both parties. Carrie could only watch helplessly as one of the trees closer to the cliff edge began to fall toward it. As more trees appeared to be ready to fall, the gravity of the situation fell upon Carrie that this may be the end of them all.
The reality became a terrifying nightmare as Carrie watched Thorin Oakenshield somehow manage to let his grip on the tree go, keep himself steady, and walk across the tree trunk. “No,” Carrie whispered, tears forming in her eyes once more knowing Thorin’s plan. “No, don’t do it Thorin! Please!” She pleaded. Thorin ignored her outburst, determined to carry out his suicidal mission, clutching his weapon. From there Carrie couldn’t take being a helpless witness any longer, as she quickly scrambled down the tree without a second thought. It was at that moment, in spite of Carrie being powerless, she made another promise to herself. She needed to protect her friend Thorin at all costs or die trying.