
Too much is occurring in our sheltered society hell-bent on tearing and leaving us in pieces. While the blood soaks through the dirt, evident like the smell of rage and gunpowder.
“He’s the enemy!,” one cries as the mob of flesh-hungry beasts eat at one another. Ripping fragile veins and tearing through skin until only the bone-white marrow remains.
Not family friendly? You should see what is plastered on children’s textbooks. All in the name of education while the kid next door smokes a cigarette and shares a beer with all the lost boys.
“If that’s the case where is their Peter Pan?” you demand while you point the finger of blame on somebody. For our generation has become exactly that: A selfish group of rag-tag victims wanting only to spread misery. After all, it’s a trend that everyone has to jump on the bandwagon. Never mind the consequences. Forget the horrible legacy you’ll leave behind, whether rich or poor. Ignore the fact that people, will stand up and say enough is enough! Because we are a proud generation of self-centered children, and you should be just like us.