Tag: Anger
Tired Talks
I hate writer’s block. I know some people don’t believe it exists. My writer’s block this week is a combination of sleep deprivation and the fact that I have been dealing with a lot of physical stress. I know the simple solution would be to drink some coffee, I’m trying to wean myself off of ...- Self-Help & RelationshipsPoetryEnvironmentHome & GardenLifestyleNonfictionCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCreativityParenting & Family
Thoughts To Flames
Speaking in earnestI search for a truthThis world I resideSeeking the proof To validate lifeHard to imagineDivisiveness fluent The error of passion My hearts skips a beatMy breath becomes shallowWith thoughts of my childrenEngulfed in this shadow What will becomeOf the ground they will walkThe steps that they takeThis violence of cause I can only ... It Took Me 10 Years…
Content Warning- Domestic Violence It took me 10 years to fully get over you. Every blood-curdling scream from my throat over 3 years was a testament to the manipulation that you had subdued me to. It was 3 years of walking on eggshells and uneasiness and a semi-permanent lump in my throat and knot in ...Indebted
To you we owe Our freedom Gratitude And praise Small steps Defiant stance Made so we Could belong To you we owe Our opportunities Our voices Our legacy Persecuted for petty crimes Inaudible cries Noosed up Whooped, sold off You held on Carried strong So we could be born And we can ...Wake The FAAQ Up
Black like me but – don’t think like me We look alike but – we don’t function alike Survival 101 is not a class taught to Black Americans Trying to make a home in the white man’s land so use to being puppeteered by the master’s hand not able to reason when given the ...A Lesson in Insensitivity
It’s easy for someone to forget that I’m not okay. I am good at putting on the ‘okay’ face and pretending that my heart isn’t still horribly mangled from losing my dad. It isn’t something I bring up meeting new people because I don’t want to be the “sad kid.” When someone makes an insensitive ...I Do Stupid Things When Angry-Like Fight With A Kangaroo
Yes, you read correctly! I have a wee bit of temper and I don’t always think things through when I react to a situation. In this case, fighting a kangaroo. In August of 1995, I had the honor of going to Australia-Alice Springs, specifically. While I was there, a couple who ran a Kangaroo rescue ...