Tag: opinion piece
A New Idea Emerges
New story ideas are one of the best moments in a writer’s life. It’s a new adventure to take, new lessons to learn, and new characters to meet. You feel alive, like you can’t wait to see how the story will unfold. Where do you start? Here are a few places that are fun to ...Why Embracing the Crooked Path Can Lead to Success
Life would be simple if every task was a straight line from A to B. The paths ahead are clear, with no forks or decisions to be made about the direction to follow. Alas, reality is more complex. More often, every problem involves multiple solutions and requires us to make complicated decisions. Success does not ...Rejection Happens
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get a full-time job with benefits. My parents always encourage me to write full-time instead of pursuing traditional employment opportunities. This is partly because they believe in my talent. They worry about my inability to afford necessary care through regular insurance. However, I know they used insurance from ...New Year, Now What?
The holidays are busy for everyone. It’s a flurry of presents, loved ones, and memories. Honestly, after all the celebrations, I’m lost on how to move forward every year. Goal setting is helpful, but routines are difficult to keep. The first few weeks are good, and then life has other plans. Here are a few ...It’s a Different Kind of Christmas this Year
Christmas music is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. I have a strong emotional reaction to music. Lyrics speak to me in ways nothing else can. So, it is no surprise Mark Schultz singing “Different Kind of Christmas” opens the floodgates of my emotions every time I listen to it. It is ...Spooky Dilemma: Do Teens Deserve to Trick or Treat on Halloween?
The leaves are falling along with temperatures; the calendar flips to October, and it is officially spooky season. As we drive through the neighborhood, skeletons and pumpkins adorn porches and lawns. Excitement over costume planning is all the buzz. Now for the dilemma. Can you be too old for Halloween? I see the debate on ...Reading Values
We live in a culture where we want everything. We used to be socially conscious. That’s understandable. No one wants to support brands which are outwardly cruel brands to different population segments. Sounds simple, right? If something you use comes out with some adverse views, you just stop using that product, right? There are other ...Take Me Out to Bananaland
I spend more than a dozen hours a week culling through Facebook videos and Instagram Reels. Over a year ago, I ran across a Reel of these guys in bright yellow uniforms playing baseball, but it’s the kind of baseball that made me follow and view some more. While I enjoy watching sports (football being ...Lord, Please Allow Me One Normal Unextraordinary Day
During my youth, planning my future was a full-time job. I dreamed of every detail. I knew I wanted to be a mother. God’s plan was never in doubt for me. I created timelines in my head for my perfectly normal life. The straight path we would follow. Instead, we are on a twisty, dark ...Prescription for a Book Slump
Have you ever read a fantastic book and struggled to return to your reality afterward because you could not stop thinking about said book? You may think this is an awesome problem. The book world captivated your attention. You didn’t want to leave. It’s an author’s dream, but a reader’s worst nightmare. A condition that ...