
I’m swept away
In the sweltering
Storm, you pulled
Me into.
I became your
Loyal companion
Sunlit days,
Midnight hours.
All it took
Was one glance
Toward my path,
My fate was sealed.
Are you a hero?
Are you a villain?
I cannot discern
One from the other.
To ask me that
Would compare
To ask God about
Heaven and hell.
Why is there
Good and evil?
Is our days pure
I cannot foretell
To these mysteries,
Not when it comes
To you and I.
Why must you
Decide I am
Your salvation?
To our last breath?
It is an enigma
I may never answer
Or comprehend,
In all my dreams.
A dream I will admit
Kept secret in my heart,
I do not want to ever
Wake up from.