Coming up for Air

The past few months have felt like I was just surviving. The awkward part about it is that nothing traumatic has happened. Everything that happened resulted from my poor decisions. My ankle scraped against my manual chair, and I didn’t say anything until it was painful. My chair only existed because I kept rescheduling my appointment.
The weight gain was a result of not making my physical fitness a priority. Writing and reading have always been comforting to me, but are always the first things to go when I feel overwhelmed. Things are finally looking up. I want to finish the books I have left sitting on my bookshelf for years. Last week, I worked out while listening to a playlist of pirate songs.
This may not seem like a big deal, but it made me want to continue with my work in progress. One of my professors in college made me think about whether or not I wanted to work on my current characters. I still believe that I do, but sometimes I need breaks from them. Sometimes I need to lose myself in a book by one of my favorite authors, watch a good anime, listen to a good song, or watch an awful Netflix original.
Inspiration can hit me at the most random times. Indeed, inspiration cannot lead a writer’s life. Every day is not going to be the best day for everyone. This is why outlines and notes are important because they give you a clear path when words aren’t easy. Worldbuilding is my absolute favorite way to waste time. I always feel productive because I’m still working. Find a reason to do something that makes you happy. You can’t help anyone if you are drowning. Enjoy that breath of fresh air. The people in your life will appreciate it when you bring your best self forward. It’s okay to just survive sometimes. I hope you can come up for air soon.