
Antlers cutting through
Thick dark clouds
Hooves dancing upon
The aurora borealis
Heavy puffs of mist
Escape our nostrils
The cold bitter world
With sharp barbs of ice
Attempt to break us
We are mildly disturbed
But still move ahead, for
All along the way
The thoughts of happiness
Everyone shall experience
Come next morn’
Inspires every one of us
Bells dance upon our necks
To rejoice in our hard efforts
Some have muscle strength
Others have balance
Or instincts of navigation
When we fly together
We lend to each other
Our strengths, talents
And our love
My fellow females spur each other on
Through the hope that we all share
For ourselves
For others
For the world
No matter how long the journey
Or how difficult it may be
We shall not cease
Not only for our own happiness
But for all who truly deserve it
May we wish you all
A merry season
And the inspiration
For other women
Like ourselves
To create a better world
For everyone.