Saw That One Coming

I saw the heartbreak coming from a mile away.
Starting with the breathless Wow
Of that long-desired first kiss
Our time was ticking down, finite;
It was scarcely a matter of months, weeks
No more than a handful of nights
In the span of a whole lifetime
Fate let me spend asleep in your arms.
Not the normal kind of trouble that comes
With broad shoulders in a leather jacket,
But a tectonic revolution.
When you gathered me up and whispered,
“Do you feel like you’re in good hands?”
The sonority of my seismic Yes rang through me
Its truth reverberating across the granite walls
Of my heart until they shattered,
Unseen in the dark.
With my fault lines deceptively entrenched
In their familiar courses I go on, for years,
My continents actually adrift
Trying to balance atop the broken shards.