Facing The Throne: Part 1
Priscilla stood before the queen in a lovely dress made of lace and glitter. It’s long, flower-patterned sleeves- the color of a nasty bruise- ...Orion’s Embrace Part 14
Having fled to my room to think about my previous actions, I felt lost. There was no doubt that I was confused or that ...Adam & Eve – A Flash Fiction
The moon gazed across the horizon, watching them with its lone eye. Stars glittered the night sky, their light falling to the ocean as ...Hallows Hotel – Part 2
Part 1 Wes, DeeDee, and Jenna stood in silence, staring up toward the hatch door as Vic closed it, trapping them underground. The metal ...How To Prepare For NaNoWriMo In Less Than A Week
Maybe it isn’t a case of procrastination. Maybe, like countless other writers, your life is busy. November 1st is in less than a week. ...A Kaleidoscope Of Love
A broken heart in a box. Grief sounds like shoes walking away from the scene of the crime. There are keyboard melodies that slowly ...Goodbye Home, Hello New Life Part I
I woke up to a faint tapping sound. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes thinking it was just an early morning meteor shower ...