Manifestation Requires Perspiration

I have no motivation this week. My birthday is this Saturday. So I want to sit in my pajamas and watch Food Network shows.
I made goals at the beginning of the year, and I feel like all I’ve done is schedule appointments for the things I need. It’s only been a month, and I haven’t done any of my other goals besides my health. Physical therapy is going well. I tend to be the type of person who gets frustrated because she knows what she was capable of a few years ago.
I could transfer myself in and out of bed. I could support myself for 5 minutes standing while holding on to a bar. I could transfer myself in and out of the shower if the floor was dry and I had shoes on my feet. I can’t do any of that now. I need to build up my strength which is the purpose of my physical therapy, but barely being able to sit up on my own isn’t exactly a confidence booster.
The thing is that you can’t cause something to happen just by saying you will. I can say I’m going to write a book year, but if I don’t write any pages, a book isn’t going to appear in my lap. I meant what I said: the effort a person puts in matters, developing good habits, and sticking to that routine. The only person who can make things happen for you is you.
Sometimes you need help to accomplish those goals, and support from loved ones is amazing, but you have to take the initial step. You may stumble a little, but things will get easier eventually. You’ll thank yourself for it later.
I have struggled a lot over the past few years with thinking that if I left a situation, I would be happy. The thing I realized after I left a few places was that I was unhappy. I had to think about the last time I was happy and figure out what was missing. I may be sick of waiting for progress currently, but I know this is what I need to be successful in life. I hope you can take that first step and know that I am rooting for you.