5 Tips For Transitioning To Back To School

As summer comes to a close, it can be difficult for children and adults to readjust their schedules for going back to school.
When most people think of summer, they think of fun in the sun and a more relaxed schedule with later bedtimes. Depending on the ages of your children it can be challenging to get back into the swing of the school year. Here are tips to help make the back to school transition easier for everyone.
1. Plan

Photo By: Free-Photos/Pixabay
Starting the new school year can seem stressful, but if you plan things, it will run smoother.
Grab a calendar and put it in a central area, this will let everyone know what is expected of them on different days. Everyone will know where others will be, whether it be at work, the babysitter, etc. Go over the routine with everyone, so the entire household knows what is expected of them.
Pack book bags, lunches and set out outfits and shoes the night before, so the morning is not as rushed.
2. Modify Bedtimes
About two weeks before the first day of school implement an earlier bedtime. It can begin with 10 minutes earlier for a few nights and gradually increase to the desired bedtime.
It is also a good idea to wake your children up in the morning around the time they will need to be getting ready for school. This is helpful for younger children. Their bodies will adjust by the time school starts.
It will also be beneficial for adults because there will be extra things that will need to be done and some of them can happen when the children go to bed early.
3. Supplies
Taking inventory of the supplies from the previous school year is very helpful. This will help to save money and save on space from having double the supplies. Most schools send out a list of supplies, books, and technology that children need for the new school year. This is helpful, so it isn’t a rush to purchase the supplies on the first evening that the children are back in school.
It is also helpful to make a particular area in your home dedicated to only school supplies. Organize the school supplies for each individual child, so it is easy for them to access.
Ensure your home is kid friendly to make it more enticing for children to follow the rules and be excited about the new school year.
4. Lunches

Photo By: eslfuntaiwan /Pixabay
Have the conversation with your child or children about whether they will purchase lunch at school or if they would like to pack their lunch. Discuss the pros and cons of packing lunches vs. buying lunches at school. Also, decide whether they need to take in a snack daily or snacks for the entire class.
Most schools post lunch menus online ahead of time so you and your children can review the lunch menus to plan on when they will purchase a meal or packing a meal from home.
If your child wants to purchase lunch at school review their lunch ID with them so they will know what number to type in so they can receive their meal.
It is also important to have the food items on hand that your children will want to take in their lunches and healthy snacks for after school. Since they will not be used to waiting longer lengths of time between breakfast, lunch and dinner times.
If your child wants to pack a lunch, let them get involved in the process of preparing their lunch and in the deciding factors of what foods they want to take.
5. Talk

Photo By: OpenClipart-Vectors/Pixabay
This is an essential detail for any child starting back to school. From preschool-aged children to senior high and college. Children at every age feel anxiety and fear about a new classroom, different subjects, friends, teachers, professors and even just a new routine. Discussing all these topics can help to ease the stress of a new school year. There may be something you as a parent have not thought of that is bothering your child. Talking about these topics and issues can help everyone have a better start to the school year.
The school year will be upon us sooner than we think. Starting now to be prepared as a parent and ensuring your children are well prepared will make the new school year transition an easy process for everyone.
Have a GREAT year!!