Email Capture Marketing

Email is still considered one of the most effective digital marketing tools around today. Even with all the new fancy chat-bots and social scheduling tools, email leads the way. However, this shouldn’t be news, it naturally makes sense. In the days of traditional marketing, direct post was one of the most effective ways to reach people. Now people check their inbox well before their mailbox. Come to think of it, I haven’t checked my mailbox in a week, and when I do it will be to clear out all the junk mail. All my bills, banking, sign-ups, news, and work comes to my email.
I should mention that, much like physical mail, your email is going to need an attractive and readable design. Think about it. If you receive a black and white, text-heavy word document in your mail or email, you probably won’t read it. However, the balance between creativity and information is a tricky one, and it varies for different industries. The best tip, without knowing your business first, would be to keep a balance between text and images.
Analog Email Capture
Set up an event
Use an app like Meet Up to find groups with your consumer-base. I know, it’s digital, but hear me out. Or better yet, set up your own event that brings value to the visitors, and request emails in person or with a sign-up sheet.
Use a sign-up sheet
Whether you set up an event or you have a booth at an expo or trade show, you can put a sign-up sheet almost anywhere. Some will sit on coffee house cork boards for months, and even if they net you two emails for all that time, it was some inexpensive exposure.
Business cards
Put a sign-up plug on your business card and turn them into contact information and advertising. Why not? You’re giving them out anyway. You could add an extra attractive incentive to sign-up on your card as well. Because you will be handing out your card in person, you can let them know about how special the card really is.
Mailbox post
Mail worked back then, and if you have the money, maybe it will work now. You’ll need cash to burn and an incredible offer if you’re going down this analog route. If you do, make that offer unbelievable!
Digital Email Capture
Lead Magnet
Put an opt-in area on your website and make it attractive. These are called Lead Magnets. Lead Magnets come in many formats such as pop-ups, slide-ins, ribbons, drop-downs, exit prompts, scroll triggers, in-content, footer plugs, the list goes on. I’ll need to describe the technical functions (and smart functions) of Lead Magnets in its own article. But, I can offer this one tip; only ask for their email. Having a big form for a new visitor to fill out is presumptuous at best. They owe you nothing, yet.
Piggyback an e-blast
You know your own industry better than anyone if you’re ready to advertise. So, ask yourself, “who are my partners, vendors, suppliers, or sponsors?” Make a list and contact them to add your offer into their next e-blast. Keep in mind that you may have to share cost or provide services to do so.
Social and content
Write interesting content and share it with your social media network. Be sure the content is valuable and relevant enough to keep the reader wanting more, then provide an option to sign-up. This one’s not as easy as it used to be, in 2008 you could put anything out there and knock it out of the park. Now social networks are flooded with competitors and people are wary about where they put their email.
Build or join a group or forum
Find niche websites with forums suited to your industry and ask relevant questions. Engage with your consumer base and have them coming to your site. No groups or forums? Start one. Social media is a good place for this.
Make your next offer ‘email only.’ But, make it a good one, this will take up your advertising focus and put all the marbles into email collection instead of direct purchases. Think about your goals.
Old school
Word of mouth is still one of the most effective universal marketing strategies. Only thing is, you can’t control it. All you can do is put yourself out there and hope for the best.
Give something away in exchange for your visitor’s email. Try a free checklist, recipe, tips, or whatever works for you and your business. Make the digital asset you give away valuable, a user will unsubscribe right away if it’s useless garbage clickbait.
The above email capture strategies might not cover them all, but they will certainly give you a good start. Good luck out there you digital champions!